G. Tymoshenko, e. Leonenko “Working with a body in psychotherapy”

Our body does not know how to lie-an attentive observer will easily notice the inconsistent between what a person says, and what gestures, movements, facial expressions accompany his words. By gait, posture, characteristics of breathing and voice, one can judge the character of a person, and by the constraint of some muscles – his psychological difficulties. Working with the body is the main task of body-oriented psychotherapy.

Our body does not know how to lie – an attentive observer will easily notice a discrepancy between what a person says, and what gestures, movements, facial expressions accompany his words. By gait, posture, characteristics of breathing and voice, one can judge the character of a person, and by the constraint of some muscles – his psychological difficulties. Working with the body is the main task of body-oriented psychotherapy. The authors of this practical leadership, psychotherapists Galina Tymoshenko and Elena Leonenko, described in detail the various methods of this direction – one of the main in practical psychology. The book presents personality theories that take into account bodily manifestations (which is not enough in the theories of other therapeutic approaches), diagnostic criteria, as well as exercises that are used in psychotherapeutic work with the body.

Psychotherapy, 490 s.

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