How to understand, this is friendship or love?

Friendly and romantic relationships have a lot in common, so sometimes it is easy to confuse one with another. Where is the border between friendship and love? Is it worth it to remain the best friends, or take a step towards something more? How to figure out what we really feel? Answers by psychologist Teresa Didonato.

They say that the secret of the perfect marriage is that husband and wife should be primarily best friends. This makes sense: family psychologists have repeatedly confirmed that if partners perceive each other as friends, their relationship lasts much longer.

But what if the feelings that we experience for a beloved man are exclusively platonic? That if we see in him the best friend, a reliable support, but these experiences have nothing to do with romantic feelings and sexual attraction? There are several factors that we often associate with romantic relations, although they are important in friendship.

General of friendship and love

1. Attraction. Attraction to another may not necessarily be sexy or romantic. Best friends tend to attract each other. And people who have been friends for many years can experience the same feelings as lovers.

2. Proximity. When we open to someone, share our dreams, thoughts, goals and plans, then this person naturally becomes much closer to the rest. Well, if we get the same frankness in response, then there is a strong connection based on trust and understanding. And this is possible between friends and between lovers.

3. Respect. Healthy romantic relationships are built on mutual respect, the same can be said about friendship. But it cannot be argued that if you admire a loved one, then you feel something for him other than friendly feelings. Friends who can be admired and rejoice at their successes will only make you better, inspiring to new achievements, and their response will not give their hands even in the most difficult situations.

4. Support. Ending mutual support is the main task in both friendly and romantic relationships. It helps to bloom, develop, change and endure to endure everything that happens to us.

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5. Pleasure. Enjoy each other and have fun together, laugh at the same jokes and wait for a new meeting – this still does not mean that you have a novel. But this is a definite sign that you are very, very good friends.

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